NEWS / Coventry Local Artists Development fund – Reflection

Coventry Local Artists Development fund – Reflection

"The development fund was a substantial help. It helped me reconnect with creatives, find my confidence in performing by learning lines in a short space of time and perform with others. It also helped me to see two pieces of theatre.”

The development fund was a substantial help. It helped me reconnect with creatives, find my confidence in performing by learning lines in a short space of time and perform with others. It also helped me see two piece of theatre.

The first workshop had an interesting set up as we came having prepared 5 pages of a scene over 3 nights (a confidence builder and nerve wracking in itself), but we would not meet or rehearse with our scene partner until we got up to perform at the workshop (after winning rock paper scissor against other actors). The workshop was extremely helpful in teaching me about the type of environment ideal for creativity. Creativity includes some level of vulnerability. Should a healthy environment be cultivated?

Later that evening the fund covered the cost of a theatre ticket, I attended a show at a fringe venue by an emerging company. The piece raised questions in my head both in its flaws and in the potential of the space.

The next day the fund helped cover the travel to see a show at the Chichester Festival theatre. The play had lots of texture to the performances, and the writing finely tuned. The train journey was also very pretty between London Victoria to Chichester!

The following week the fund covered the cost of another acting workshop.

The day of this workshop, I was cycling for the first time in London. The tubes were down and I needed to get across central London (strand, west end, oxford st) during rush hour. What a beautiful assault of the senses that journey was! You soon learn the rules …

This workshop, attendees came having learnt script (3 pages over a week this time). However, as performers we were asked questions about our choices and whispered details in our ears before each scene that we would use in the scene to our partner. We also started with the scene and then improvised away from it. As a writer, this gave me some interesting thoughts about the purpose of that? Using the script as a stimulus? Are they then different characters? Or just different circumstances?

The fund also paid for a later train back to Coventry which meant that I wasn’t in a rush and able to stay and talk to the resident company in the building about their funding application. Thank you very much Theatre Absolute for enabling these wonderful experiences.

– by Paul T

Julia Negus, Producer at Theatre Absolute says:  “Its been brilliant to read this blog from Paul. Our Coventry Artists Development Fund is for enabling other performers/writers to progress their professional practice. We’re excited to see what Paul creates next. Do take some time to read his blog and maybe consider applying yourself.”  

The fund is still open with a rolling deadline, all details on how to apply here